Hopi Elementary School
April 7 – Hopi students got to leave their mark on their campus construction project by signing a beam that will be part of the classroom building. Roof work is now underway on that building, as well as the new administrative building. Construction crews installed new curbing at the new turnaround drive in March, and interior framing is underway in the classroom building.
Construction Timeline
October 2017 – Shovels in, fences up! Ground level work
Winter – Vertical construction begins
August 2018 – New buildings open to students and staff
Timelapse Video
Please note, this camera is faced away from the current school buildings and will not show any children - only construction crews.
Watch a timelapse of the Hopi Elementary construction.
Project Documents
Hopi Design Updates
Site plan with classroom building changes(Updated 1/29/18)
New exterior 1 (Updated 11/17/17)
New exterior 2 (Updated 11/17/17)
New exterior 3 (Updated 11/17/17)
New exterior 4 (Updated 11/17/17)
Site Plan Changes (Updated 11/2/2017)
Classroom Building Changes (Updated 11/2/2017)
Hopi Documents & Links
Site Plan (Updated 11/2/2017)
Multi-Purpose Building Floorplan (Updated 11/2/2017)
Admin Building Floorplan (Updated 11/2/2017)
Classroom Building Floorplan (Updated 11/2/2017)
Sample Classroom Pod Collaborative Space(Updated 6/20/2017)
Existing Site (Updated 4/27/17)
*Construction Plan in 3 Phases (Updated 9/24/17)
*Construction Plan - simplified view
Phase 1(Updated 9/18/17)
Phase 2 (Updated 9/18/17)
Phase 3 (Updated 9/18/17)
*Pedestrian and bicycle routes (Updated 10/4/17)
*Please Note: Construction plan documents and the pedestrian/bicycle route map do not reflect recent adjustments to the site plan. These images are intended to show construction timelines and safe pathways for students.
Hopi Rebuild Committee
The Hopi Rebuild Committee (representing parents, teachers, and community members) is meeting weekly to give input on the design of the new school.
Principal Tamara Jagodzinski
Committee Members:
Patti Dietz – parent/neighbor - patti@dietz-law.com
Chris Janson – parent/neighbor - Chris@blackridgemanagement.com
Andrew Seidenberg - parent - aseidenberg@vwprealty.com
Craig Demarco – parent - Craig@upwardprojects.com
Casey Christensen - parent/neighbor/alternative committee member - Caseyc1977@yahoo.com
Tim Marriott – teacher/Site Council - tmarriott@susd.org
Debbie Voris - teacher - dvoris@susd.org
Dave Hanlon - teacher - dhanlon@susd.org
Jacqueline Comerford - teacher - jcomerford@susd.org
John Strippelman – facilities coordinator - jstrippelman@susd.org
Jeff DeHaven – Jeffrey.l.dehaven@gmail.com
Kerry Moreland – klkmoreland@gmail.com