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Support for Students without Housing

Support for Homeless Students

The Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance Act protects the rights of students without permanent housing or those that are experiencing transitional housing situations. These include students who: 

  • live in a car, park, public space, substandard housing or similar setting
  • live in a shelter, hotel, motel, campground 
  • live in a shared housing situation due to economic hardship
  • live with a guardian due to the death or incarceration of a parent 

About McKinney-Vento

McKinney Vento 23-24 Year End Letter: English Spanish
Student Residency Questionnaire: English Spanish
Rights of Homeless: English Spanish


Contact Us

Melissa Medvin 
McKinney Vento Liasion 

Support Services Office

Important Information

Arizona Department of Education
Education of Homeless Children & Youth