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Section 504

SUSD Section 504 Information

What is Section 504?

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly referred to as “Section 504,” is a federal statute that prohibits discrimination against persons based on their disability by institutions, such as Scottsdale Unified School District, that receive federal financial assistance.

What is its purpose?

Its purpose is to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to non-disabled students. An eligible student under Section 504 is a student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. If a student is covered by Section 504, Scottsdale Unified School District must provide such accommodations as are necessary to ensure that the student has equal access to services, programs and activities offered by our schools. MORE

Requesting a Section 504 evaluation.

Any parent or guardian, teacher, counselor or other school staff member who believes that a student needs accommodation for a qualifying disability can request a Section 504 evaluation. Please contact your student’s school for the name of the site 504 coordinator.

What criteria are used to determine 504 eligibility?

For a student to qualify for Section 504 protection, the student must meet three criteria: (1) a mental or physical impairment, (2) which substantially limits, (3) one or more major life activities. If the student has an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, the impairment is a qualifying disability if it creates a barrier to the student’s ability to access the same educational opportunities afforded to non-disabled students. It is important to understand that all three criteria must be met before the student is eligible for Section 504 protection. MORE

Implementation of a 504 Student Accommodation Plan

If it is determined that the student meets the Section 504 eligibility criteria then the 504 team (student’s teachers and school’s 504 Coordinator) will identify the student’s needs and identify the accommodations to be provided in the general education classroom to ensure equal access to learning. Section 504 Accommodation Plans are reviewed annually.

The Scottsdale Unified School District affirms its intent to comply with all federal and state laws relating to the prevention of discrimination.
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Shannon Cronn, Ed.S.
Director of Support Services

Support Services Office