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Student Help Center

In the Scottsdale Unified School District IT Department, our focus is on supporting the technology that enables world-class and future-focused learning in every classroom.

We know SUSD families are our partners in helping to extend that learning beyond the classroom and school day, so we have gathered some helpful resources here. Peruse the pages listed below to find some of the most commonly requested information. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please use the SUSD Helpdesk contact information on this page to contact us directly.

Student Device User Guides

Accessing Learning Resources 

Testing Preparation

Student Password Change

The password reset tool is available any time by going to: Steps to change your password:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Enroll (this is a one-time step that helps for resetting passwords in the future)
    1. Enter username (student ID number) and current password
    2. Answer a few questions
    3. Click OK to close
  3. Click on Change Password
    1. Enter username (student ID number) and current password
    2. Enter and confirm new password (must be at least 8 characters)
    3. Click OK to confirm and close

IMPORTANT: The first time a student logs into their Chromebook after changing their password, a message will pop up on their screen that reads:

“Your PIN or password still couldn’t be verified. Note: If you recently changed your password, use your old password. Your new password will be applied once you sign out.”

For Windows devices, this is not an issue.

Contact Us

Technology Help Desk
(480) 484-HELP (4357)

Help desk phone lines are open to assist you with your technology questions and issues Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. The help desk is closed on weekends.

Servicio de apoyo tecnológico
(480) 484-HELP (4357)

Las líneas telefónicas del servicio de apoyo tecnológico están abiertas para ayudarle con sus preguntas y problemas tecnológicos de lunes a viernes de 7 a.m. a 4 p.m. El servicio de apoyo tecnológico está cerrado los fines de semana.