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Data Integration

TrustEd Apps Pledge

TrustEd App Pledge Logo

We are proud supporters of the TrustEd Apps Pledge. As part of a committed community that makes open standards the first and primary choice for education technology integrations, we advocate for standards-based integrations. We believe that achieving and promoting official product certification to open standards enables a better edtech ecosystem and community and believe in fair and open business practices for suppliers. We are passionate about this cause and have taken the TrustEd Apps pledge to confirm our support. Find out more about TrustEd Apps.



Digital Resource & Privacy Agreement Request Process

As part of Scottsdale Unified School District’s commitment to data governance, we follow a review process for all free or paid digital resources, including online programs, browser extensions, apps, and installed software. Staff can request a digital resource review using the internal application. 

Scottsdale Unified School District Vendor List


Contact Us

Technology Help Desk
(480) 484-HELP (4357)

Help desk phone lines are open to assist you with your technology questions and issues Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. The help desk is closed on weekends.

Servicio de apoyo tecnológico
(480) 484-HELP (4357)

Las líneas telefónicas del servicio de apoyo tecnológico están abiertas para ayudarle con sus preguntas y problemas tecnológicos de lunes a viernes de 7 a.m. a 4 p.m. El servicio de apoyo tecnológico está cerrado los fines de semana.