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Pre-Kindergarten Program

Our Gifted Cluster PreK program is a tuition-based program for 4-year-old children who will be school eligible in the fall and identified at the 90th percentile or higher on an ability (IQ) assessment. 

The program offers the best of both worlds, a developmental learning environment with typical peers and small group interactions with like-minded peers.

  • Emphasis on critical and creative thinking
  • Accelerated and enriched curriculum
  • Integrated technology 
  • Flexible Grouping
  • Teachers are Early Childhood Certified and hold or are working toward a Gifted Endorsement.
  • The Gifted Cluster PreK follows the SUSD district calendar.
  • Transportation is not provided for preschool students.

A child must be 4 years old on or before August 31, to be eligible to attend the Gifted Cluster PreK program.

Must be identified at the 90th percentile on an ability (IQ) test for program application. Parents may seek private testing or may schedule testing through our district by contacting Community Education at 480-484-7900.

  1. Application submitted to the SUSD Gifted Office.  An acceptance letter will be emailed after the application is reviewed.
  2. Registration and fee payment to SUSD Community Education. A letter of acceptance is required for registration.

Children entering after September 1st must successfully complete a gifted preschool screening for eligibility for the program. 

  • Tuition is $800 per month.

Pre-Kindergarten Links & Resources