Comprehensive Gifted Program
Comprehensive Gifted Program (CGP)
The Comprehensive Gifted Program (CGP) is designed to provide highly gifted, elementary and middle school students, who possess advanced intellectual, academic, talent or creative capabilities with unique educational opportunities.
The CGP program is founded on thematic interdisciplinary studies, academic rigor, critical and creative thinking. It is the goal of the CGP to provide a comprehensive program that is responsive to the unique academic, creative, social and emotional needs of the precocious gifted child.
CGP Information
Multiage classrooms of students in Kindergarten and 1st grade, 2nd & 3rd grade, 4th & 5th grade.
The multiage CGP classroom is designed for highly gifted learners who need a more rapid pace, with the opportunity for radical acceleration, as well as enrichment opportunities. The grouping strategies are defined by student need, based on the learning continuum rather than grade level constructs. A community of learners is developed that supports the social and emotional needs of this unique learner. The thematic and project-based structures provide the learners a pathway that allows them to play an active role in their learning.
Highly gifted students eligible to apply for CGP include submission of:
Applicants must meet one of the two following criteria.
- Cognitive abilities as indicated by one of the three below:
- Gifted qualification at 97 percentile (national age-normed scores ) or higher (verbal, non-verbal, or quantitative) on a state-approved test such as the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3)
- Demonstrate a Full-Scale IQ of 130+ or higher on an intelligence test such as: Wechsler Intelligence Scale V (WISC-V) or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test given by a licensed psychologist or 97%ile or higher in one of the three content areas (verbal, quantitative or non-verbal)
- Readiness Skills
CGP 1-8
- Cognitive abilities testing as indicated by one of the three below:
- Score in the 97th percentile (national age-normed scores) or higher in two or more areas (verbal, quantitative or non-verbal) and a 90th percentile (national age-normed scores ) or higher in the third area on a state-approved test such as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
- A combined score of the three areas of 284 or higher with at least one score in the 97%ile (national age-normed scores ) or higher
- Demonstrate a Full-Scale IQ of 135+ or higher on an Intelligence Test such as: Wechsler Intelligence Scale V (WISC-V) or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test given by a licensed psychologist or 97%ile in 2 areas with at least a 90%ile in the third (verbal, quantitative or non-verbal)
- Advanced academic achievement measured by District or state assessments in both English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Recent Report Card, if available.
- Strong teacher recommendation as indicated by a teacher completing and submitting a gifted characteristic profile. This information is confidential and should be submitted directly to the Gifted Department using the CGP Teacher Recommendation. Other factors may be considered, such as principal recommendations or other impact factors.
- Handwritten Student response to prompted questions (questions will be included within the application).
Work with your home school’s Gifted Enrichment Specialist to gather and complete the CGP components. The application will be submitted online directly to the Gifted Learning Team.
Application Process and Timeline
- 2025-2026 Kindergarten CGP Application
- 2025-2026 1-8 Grade CGP Application
- 2024-2025 Kinder CGP Application - Closed
- 2024-2025 1-8 Grade CGP Application - Closed
2025-2026 Kindergarten CGP Application
2025-2026 1-8 Grade CGP Application
2024-2025 Kinder CGP Application - Closed
2024-2025 1-8 Grade CGP Application - Closed
CGP Schools
School | Grades |
Kiva Elementary School | Multi-age K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th |
Redfield Elementary School | Multi-age K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th |
Tavan Elementary School | Multi-age K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th |
Desert Canyon Middle School | 6th - 8th |
Ingleside Middle School | 6th - 8th |
Tour Dates
Ingleside Middle 10:10 - 11:10 am
Tavan Elementary 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Desert Canyon Middle 9:30-10:30 am
Redfield Elementary 9:30-10:30 am
Kiva Elementary 9:00-10:00 am