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Welcome to Gifted Learning

SUSD Gifted Programs provide challenging curriculum to gifted students through the use of differentiated instruction designed to best meet the academic and affective needs of the students.

The gifted program is designed to teach students with meaningful learning experiences that foster an enriched and in-depth understanding of the core curriculum.  These best practices for gifted education guide and shape our gifted programs throughout the district. 


Prepare SUSD students for a global and technologically advanced society.  Success requires advanced academic learning, appropriate social skills, emotional stability and ethical decision-making leadership. 

Program Goals

Provide learning experiences that are responsive to the cognitive, creative and affective development of gifted students by applying education theory and research-based models of curriculum and instruction that are culturally relevant and designed to ensure specific student outcomes.

Scope and Sequence

Gifted Testing

Program Options

Contact Us

Gifted Learning

Sarah Torrilhon M. Ed. 
Director of Gifted Learning Services

Sabrina Heavlin
Administrative Assistant

Nicole Fagan
District Gifted Coach  

Colleen Felix
District Gifted Cluster Coach
