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English Language Development

English Language Development (ELD) Program

The Scottsdale Unified School District’s English Language Development (ELD) Program philosophy is to provide specialized, academic English instruction to students who are not yet proficient in English and empower their families to achieve success and personal growth.  

  1. Uphold high academic expectations for all students through highly effective teaching and data analysis 
  2. Seek active partnerships with families and provide access to resources
  3. Ensure that administrators, teachers and staff are in compliance with the state and district initiatives through collaboration and  professional development

Program Services

Participation in any of these programs is voluntary and requires parental signatures. 

All students who enter Scottsdale schools with a Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE) are screened with the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA).  Students who are found to be limited in English Proficiency are offered English Language Development instruction.  

The Arizona State Board of Education is charged with developing and adopting research-based models of structured English Immersion (SEI) programs to be used in school districts and charter schools in Arizona. Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) §15-756.01 requires that the models include a minimum of 120 minutes per day of English language development (ELD) for grades K5, and a minimum of 100 minutes per day of ELD for grades 6-12. Additionally, approved instructional models must adhere to the following criteria:
  1. Provide coherent instruction aligned with this state's English Language Proficiency Standards.
  2. Include oral and written language instruction, including structured opportunities to develop verbal and written skills and comprehension strategies.
  3. Include access to complex language content through grade-level textbooks with appropriate supports.
  4. Include parental engagement strategies.

Services for students include:

  • Teachers specialized & trained in English Language Development and Structured English Immersion Strategies
  • Focused curriculum and materials
  • Immigrant Services
  • Native American services
  • Compensatory Education services such as before & after school, and summer school
  • Instructional Interventions
  • Academic monitoring and testing services

Services for parents and families include:

  • Translation and Interpretation services
  • Parent education
  • Assistance with social services and school/home communication

Services for teachers, administrators, and staff include:

  • English Language Development Training
  • Professional Development
  • Coaching
  • Translation and Interpretation services

Program Elements:

  • English Language Development (ELD) Oral English and Conversation, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing & Grammar
  • Program teachers have either a BLE (bilingual), ESL (English as a Second Language) or SEI (Structured English Immersion) endorsement
  • Structured English Immersion (SEI) placement is a temporary transition period not normally intended to exceed one year
  • ELL students remain in the SEI program until they reach the English “proficient” level on the AZELLA per §ARS-15-756.B, 15-756.05.A.

Contact Us

ELD Program Contacts

David Priniski
Director of State and Federal Programs 

Shawn Crosier
Coordinator of State & Federal Programs

Christina Diaz
Administrative Support Coordinator

ELD Budget

Brenda Spisak
Coordinator / Compliance of State & Federal Grants 

ELD Centralized Data

Lisa Heimburg
Assessment Support Coordinator

Tori Cockerhern
Fiscal Support Technician

ELD Coaches

Laura Henry

Lori Kelly

Jaime White

Translation Specialists/Interpreters

Claudia Hernandez

Luis Montes