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Internship Application

CTE Learning that works for Arizona

Did you know we have an internship program?

Students enrolled in level two of a program or who have completed their CTE pathway, may apply for an internship for senior year. SUSD is always looking for quality community partners who need interns. Click here if you are an employer and wish to offer an internship opportunity at your company or organization.

Counselors need to verify if the student candidate is on track to graduate and if the requested internship aligns with the CTE program. Only students who have completed a CTE program or are enrolled in the second year of an CTE program can participate.

The SUSD Work-Based Learning Student Application for Internship is available in the guidance department of every high school. Parent permission is required and the student is responsible to secure an internship aligned to their CTE pathway. Step two of the process after applying is to secure an internship. Step three is to complete the packet of permission and employer forms needed once a student has secured an internship. The application is page one and two of this longer packet and should have already been received by the student from their school counselor in step one.  Please only fill out the additional forms only when an actual internship has been arranged. 

For further information, please contact Tarnisha Tilson at Ms.Tilson is the SUSD Internship Coordinator.