Tutoring Support
Tutoring Services
To maximize remaining ESSER III dollars that must be allocated by September of 2024 – SUSD will be expanding opportunities for tutoring services during the second semester of the 23-24 SY.
Prior to that, in addition to the intervention and tutoring services offered at SUSD schools, the following tutoring opportunities are free and available to students/families.
Tutoring Options
High Dosage Achievement Tutoring – Arizona Department of Education:
For students in grades 4-12, the Arizona Department of Education is offering high dosage “Achievement” tutoring services from a variety of 3rd party vendors. This Achievement Tutoring Program is a new tutoring program designed to provide reading, writing, and mathematics tutoring for students in grades 4-12 who are testing below proficient in those areas on the statewide Arizona Academic Standards Assessment (AASA).
- For more information, please visit: https://www.azed.gov/achievement-tutoring
- To register your child for Achievement tutoring coordinated by the ADE, please visit: https://www.azed.gov/achievement-tutoring-program/achievement-tutoring-eligibility
- For assistance, parents are encouraged to email the ADE at AchievementTutoring@azed.gov
Math Tutoring Services – University of Arizona:
In affiliation with the University of Arizona, the AmeriCorps STEMM Program offers free online math tutoring and support to all AZ students in grades K-12.
- To learn more about this opportunity, please visit: https://crr.math.arizona.edu/zoom-tutors
- For assistance with this program, parents can reach out to mhosten@math.arizona.edu or call 520.621.6866.