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AP Psychology Adoption 2020-2021

Instructional Materials Review Committee

The 2020-2021 school year is year 4 of 7 of our SUSD Capital Override dollars.   The Committee will review standards, look at our current materials, identify any gaps and discuss what we might need to fill those gaps.

The goal of the Committee is to make a final recommendation to the SUSD Governing Board by Spring 2021.


On April 20, 2021, the SUSD Governing Board approved instructional materials for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.


Adoption Timeline

Please CLICK HERE to view the timeline for the AP Psychology instructional materials adoption.


Committee Recommendation

Please click on the link below to go to the Committee Recommendation page to view the recommended AP Psychology Adoption materials.

AP Psychology Committee Recommendation

AP Psychology


Completed Meetings:

Meeting #1 - September 17, 2020

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Create Criteria with Committee Members

Meeting #2 - October 19, 2020

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Criteria Work Continued

Meeting #3 - October 28, 2020 - Cancelled

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Identify and Research Evaluation Tool with Committee

Meeting #4 - November 17, 2020

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Committee Members Meet to Evaluate Submitted Materials

Meeting #5 - December 8, 2020

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Committee Members Meet to Evaluate Submitted Materials - Choose Top 3

Meeting #6 - January 14, 2021

12:10pm-4:00pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

AP Psychology - Vendor Presentations

Meeting #7 - February 17, 2021

3:30pm-6:30pm, Location: Virtual Teams Meeting

Final Recommendation Identified by Committee

April 6, 2021

6:00pm Board Meeting

First Read/Information Item - Share Recommendation of Committee

  • SUSD Governing Board Meetings
    • The link above will direct you to the Governing Board Meeting page that contains links for all meeting notes, videos, and spotlights.

April 20, 2021

6:00pm Board Meeting

Second Read/Consent Agenda - Adoption of Committee Recommendations

  • SUSD Governing Board Meetings
    • The link above will direct you to the Governing Board Meeting page that contains links for all meeting notes, videos, and spotlights.

Adoption Timeline

Please CLICK HERE to view the timeline for the AP Psychology instructional materials adoption.

AP Psychology Adoption FAQs

Which content areas are reviewing instructional materials?


High School:

  • AP Psychology

Who will be on the instructional materials review committees?

  • AP Psychology teachers, administrators, Gifted coaches, SPED and parents from different learning communities.
  • Teacher volunteers are recruited through site administration and curriculum specialist. Parents are recruited through site administration.

What will the committee do?

The responsibility of the instructional materials review/ adoption work committee is to thoroughly review standards while evaluating our current materials as well as deciding what gaps we have and what we might need to fill those gaps.  All decisions are made by consensus.

What is the focus work of the committee?

  • Review content standards
  • Identify needs
  • Investigate and understand research and best practices within the content area
  • Identify instructional materials that will match District needs, and that are consistent with recommendations from research
  • Participate in the implementation and monitoring of new resources/materials
  • Investigate and understand research and best practices within the content area

What funds will be used for the instructional materials?

The 2016 Capital Override will fund all AP Psychology instructional materials.


Committee members will be expected to share the work of the committee with their stakeholder groups.